10 Disgusting Things Passengers Should Really Stop Doing Onboard The Airplane

I’m switching things up this week in favor of posting about some of the most disgusting stuff I’ve personally witnessed some passengers do onboard the airplane. You’re probably thinking: What disgusting things can possibly be on this list you haven’t already read about from thousands of other lists with similar titles posted all over the internet?” The answer to that question lies within the post itself, so you should read on and prepare yourself to be shocked. 

As you all know I have been a flight attendant for the last 10 years. So far I can honestly say it is the most rewarding job I’ve had. It has taught me to have patience and understanding, among many other things. I’ve grown to love and embrace every aspect of it, including the good, the bad, and the ugly…well I still struggle a little bit — ok a lot — with the ugly.  Although people have been committing these offenses for decades, things seem to have gotten a lot worse over the last couple of years.

There’s a saying amongst flight attendants and it goes something like this: “once people set foot inside the airplane they lose all common sense.” To be fair this doesn’t apply to all people. Most passengers are delightful, always on their best behavior and have excellent travel etiquette. However, there is a specific group of people who seem to be completely dissociated or unaware of their surroundings once they get onboard the airplane. They don’t seem to care if their actions make other passengers uncomfortable. As crew members, when dealing with passengers – especially these days – we are told we should expect the worst. Here’s a list of 10 disgusting things no one should EVER expect another person to do onboard an airplane.

1.  Cutting the cheese at the boarding door and acting normal like it’s not a big deal  

I hate to be the one to break it to you but, it is a big deal! It’s similar to walking into someone’s house and farting on them in lieu of saying hello. It’s best to try to hold it until you can get to a lavatory. If it comes out anyway you should apologize to the person or people closest to you. Own your stinky fart!

2. Rushing to get onboard only to take a nasty dump in the forward lavatory and stinking up the area during boarding

This is selfish and somewhat disrespectful to the people boarding the airplane. That’s not the way passengers, including yourself, want to be greeted; and it also makes the airline look bad. Next time you feel the need to empty your bowels before a flight, it’s best to use one of the airport restrooms. But if you’re already onboard and people are still boarding, a better option is to use one of the restrooms in the back of the plane. 

3. Placing feet on tray table or partition wall

It’s not a footrest. It’s called a tray table and people mostly use it for things like eating and drinking. And that wall in front of you is not a footrest either. You may not realize it but having your feet up on that wall is not a pretty sight for the people seating behind you. Please keep your feet on the ground where they belong.

4. Taking shoes off and airing out smelly feet

People sometimes forget they are sharing their seating area with other passengers. If you can smell your own stinky feet, so can everyone around you. Don’t be rude to your neighbors. Be considerate and keep your shoes on.  

5. Going to the bathroom barefoot or with socks on 

Ummm…well let’s just say 90% of the time that liquid on the bathroom floor, it isn’t water.  And while you’re letting that soak in, let’s talk about the next gross thing you do… I mean… other people do inside the airplane bathroom.

6. Not flushing and not washing hands after using the bathroom

Flushing the toilet is free and it takes a second or less to push that button. The soap and water are free too. So you have no excuse for not washing your hands. And parents, please remind your kids to wash their hands after using the lavatory onboard. It can save you a trip to the doctor’s office. 

7. Throwing used/soiled tissue on the bathroom floor or sticking it back inside the tissue dispenser 

This is a huge problem and it has become an every-flight occurrence. It’s never OK to trash the lavatory. Why throw tissue on the floor when you can just flush it? Besides, there is a small trash receptacle inside every airplane restroom. Hint, hint: it’s usually located below the sink (see picture above).  If you can’t find it, a flight attendant will be more than happy to show it to you. And please stop stuffing wet and used hand towels into the clean tissue box. Ewww!

8. Changing diapers in the seats or on the tray table 

I find when this happens it’s usually because the passenger doesn’t know that airplane restrooms are equipped with changing tables. When in doubt, always ask a flight attendant. Handing dirty diapers to your Flight Attendant is also a big no-no.You should personally dispose of it in the lavatory waste bin. However If you aren’t able to leave your seat, you should first seal the dirty diaper in a waste/barf bag. Before giving it to your flight attendant be sure to let them know it’s a diaper so they can dispose of it properly. 

9. Nonstop saliva swapping and fondling each other 

Ok we get it. You’re hot for each other and we’re very happy for you. But similar to a church, the airplane is not the place for hardcore PDA. I’ve had incidents of passengers complaining about how uncomfortable they were because the couple seating next to them wouldn’t stop locking lips and fondling each other. Please show a little  R-E-S-P-E-C-T to the person sharing the row with you, they will respect you back for it.  

10. Boarding the airplane wearing just a bikini bottom and a T-shirt

A few disgusting things I’ve seen some women do onboard are clipping their nails, dry shaving their legs and grooming their wigs.  Today we’re highlighting a not-so-obvious but still gross behavior: uncovered butt cheeks on dirty airplane seats. As the passenger you have no way of knowing what that seat had on it prior to your arrival. Vomit and dog poop are a couple of possibilities. Your seat may look clean but you have no idea what can be lurking on it, or what kind of cleaning chemical you’re exposing your skin and vagina to. Sometimes ignorance can be bliss, but other times it can be destructive. Don’t take any stupid and unnecessary risks, protect your vajayjay!

Thanks for reading along! As EWWW worthy as this was I hope you enjoyed it. 

See you onboard! 


2 Responses

  1. hector calzada says:

    Leaving the sink with tooth paste, spit, boogers and not draining all that nasty water.

    1. I agree. Those are disgusting too 😃