Make Quitting Your Biggest Power Move!

Every day, we grind away trying to make it in this hustle culture. It’s totally normal to feel like giving up means you’re weak. But here’s a little secret: sometimes quitting is the bravest thing you can do for yourself.

I get it — it sounds scary! And if you’re a high achiever, letting go of something you’ve poured your heart and soul into can feel like jumping off a cliff without a parachute. What if you regret it? What if you can’t find anything better? But seriously, if you’re feeling off about something, wouldn’t you agree it’s worth listening to that gut feeling?

I’ve been there! For nearly 15 years, I was stuck in what I thought was my dream job. I loved being a merchandising and business development coordinator at a fashion licensing company in the heart of garment district in midtown Manhattan—traveling, fashion shows, trade shows, you name it. But then, one day, it all started to suck the life out of me. I was constantly tired, uninspired, and felt like I was losing myself. I’d tell myself, “It’s just a job,” but deep down, I knew I deserved more than “just.”

The turning point hit when I realized I was letting my happiness slip away. After weeks of wrestling with the idea, I decided enough was enough. I was trading my joy for stability, and that just wasn’t cutting it anymore. So, after all the reasons piled up in my head about why I should stay, I took a deep breath and said, “F*ck it! I quit!”

At first, I was freaked out, but then this huge wave of relief washed over me. I finally chose myself! Even though I had no clue what was next, I was genuinely happy.

The next few weeks were a whirlwind revival. I dove into my passions, reconnected with who I am, and explored new opportunities. Following my sister’s advice, I made a list of everything I wanted just for me. By the end, it was crystal clear that I craved connection, purpose, and new experiences. Fast forward five months, and I found myself on a Boeing 777 flying to São Paulo, Brazil, on my first ever work trip as a flight attendant.

And guess what? I started to thrive! I regained my confidence, discovered new skills (hint: this blog), and opened up to possibilities I never imagined. I was also able to reorganize my life and spend more time with my family. My quality of life had improved drastically. 

I shared my story with you to say this: If you’re feeling stuck or unfulfilled and considering a change, trust your gut. It may have been a job for me,  but for you it’s probably something else. No one better than you knows what it is that’s been blocking your happiness and keeping you from blooming. 

Often we hear people say “you only fail if you quit.”… But truth be told sometimes quitting is the best and healthiest decision you can make. It’s a power move that’s worth being considered by everyone! When your reasons for quitting are rooted in self-care and the pursuit of happiness, I say quitting isn’t giving up; it’s a powerful investment in your wellbeing. 

Every ending is just the start of something new. Embrace the journey ahead and remember that putting yourself first is the boldest move you can make. Besides, life is way too short to settle for anything less than what sparks joy! 


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