We were thirty five thousand feet in the air when out of the blue a fellow crew member asked me if he was wrong for not wanting to share everything about his life with his friends and family. Without hesitation I told him he didn’t owe anything to anyone and that it was up to him to decide what to share and what to keep to himself.
After getting home from my trip I couldn’t stop thinking about our conversation and how relieved he looked when I told him that I too have some things I choose not to share with the people in my life, even though I love them dearly. Naturally I started to write down my feelings about this interesting subject in my journal, and suddenly the idea to create and publish this quick post came to me.

If you’re someone who is feeling guilty for wanting to protect your privacy, here’s what I want you to know…
It’s completely normal and healthy to have aspects of your life that you prefer to keep private, or in some cases a side of yourself that you choose not to show to others. We all have different facets of our personality, experiences, and emotions that we may prefer to not share. This can be due to a variety of reasons, such as fear of judgment, protection of privacy, or simply wanting to maintain a certain image.
I’m not afraid, nor am I ashamed to admit that there are certain aspects of my life that I prefer to keep to myself. It’s not because I’m harboring dirty secrets or hiding anything negative. Rather, it is a conscious decision to maintain boundaries and preserve my personal well-being. By choosing what to share I can protect my privacy while continuing to engage with the people in my life in an open and honest way. I think It’s important to remember that everyone deserves the right to define their boundaries and determine what they are comfortable sharing with others. We all have our own unique journeys and struggles that shape who we are and how we behave as individuals.
Having said that, it’s worth noting that being vulnerable and authentic can also be powerful and connecting. Sharing certain aspects of ourselves with trusted friends, family, or even in a public forum can foster empathy, support, and understanding. It can create deeper connections and break down barriers between people too. Of course it all depends on what we’re comfortable with.
Ultimately, the decision of what to share and what to keep private is a personal one. That’s the reason why I strongly believe it’s important to respect others’ boundaries and choices regarding their privacy while, by the same token, recognizing the potential value in sharing and connecting with others on a deeper level when appropriate.
The bottom line is this: each of us have the power to control our narrative and decide what parts of ourself we want to share with the world. You should never feel pressured to share more than you’re comfortable with, and you should never be judged for choosing to maintain privacy. It’s all about finding the balance that feels right for you. Never forget that your personal journey, including your vulnerabilities, are yours to share on your terms.
Your barefoot gal,