Amidst the swirling chaos of uncertainties and challenges in this world, there comes a moment in each of our lives when we are faced with the profound realization that everything happens for a reason. This epiphany, though simple in its essence, carries profound weight and has the potential to transform the way we perceive and navigate through life.

I, like countless others I’m sure, have experienced this transformative shift. Because of it, I now see myself as a beacon of light in the middle of life’s twists and turns.
My journey towards understanding and embracing the concept that everything unfolds for a higher purpose has not only brought solace but has also made life more manageable. Yes, even in the face of adversity.
My awakening to this profound truth came during a period of intense personal turmoil. Struggling with setbacks (being a homeless single mother), disappointments (betrayed by the people I trusted most), and unanswered questions (how do I fix things? where to go from here?), I found myself at a crossroad, grappling with the age-old question of “why me?” I’m a little ashamed to admit that I even questioned my very own existence. It was during this “dark night of the soul” that a gentle whisper of wisdom I didn’t think I still had echoed through the shadows, reminding me that every event, be it joyous or devastating, serves a purpose in the grand tapestry of life.
With this newfound perspective, I slowly began to view obstacles as opportunities for growth (I went back to college to gain more knowledge and create a path to financial freedom), setbacks as stepping stones towards greater resilience (my ability to roll with the punches remarkably well is something I really admire about myself), and heartbreaks as lessons in love and vulnerability (I gained a deep understanding of the complexity of love, trust, as well as the importance of letting go and moving forward).
The mantra “everything happens for me, not to me” became a guiding light, illuminating my path forward, not just with acceptance but also grace.
As I embraced this empowering belief, a subtle shift started to occur within my being. The weight of resentment and resistance began to lift, replaced by a sense of surrender and trust in the unfolding of life’s divine plan. Instead of fighting against the current, I learned to flow with the rhythm of the universe, knowing that every twist and turn was leading me towards a higher purpose, a greater good.
I knew this novel viewpoint did not promise a life devoid of challenges or hardships; rather, it offered me the strength and resilience to face whatever came my way with equanimity. By surrendering to the inherent wisdom of the universe, I found peace in the midst of chaos, clarity in the midst of confusion, and joy [yes joy!] in the midst of sorrow.
Today, I stand as a testament to the transformative power of embracing the belief that “everything happens for us”. Through this lens of understanding, life has taken on a new hue—a collection of interconnected moments, each serving to shape, mold, and guide me towards my highest potential and a happier life.
I am proud to say that I’m not just someone wounded by life anymore, I am also a kindred soul, a mother, a partner, a friend, a homeowner, an entrepreneur, a blogger, a world traveller…and much more. But above all I am a unique individual with a wealth of experiences, roles, and qualities that shape who I am. Through my continued journey I do believe that I embody the essence of inspiration.
If this publication was sent to you or you just happened to find it, it’s not by accident. I believe you were meant to read it. So I hope you take a page from my book and learn to trust in the inherent goodness of life, knowing that every experience, whether joyous or challenging, is designed to lead you closer to your true self and where you are meant to be. When you embrace the wisdom that everything happens for you, you will unlock the door to a life of limitless possibilities.
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✨This one is for you Rachel! In the midst of this storm, may your strength and courage light the way towards brighter days ahead. You’re not alone.