Freehand Hotels Celebrate LGBTQ+ Pride With Chambord, PFLAG, and Queens From Rupaul’s Drag Race

The Chambord x Pride Program, an exciting event series that celebrates Pride Month through cocktails, music, and drag queens, has partnered with Freehand Hotels and Broken Shaker to bring their lively classes to Miami and New York City in 2023.

For the last two years, Chambord has held the Chambord x Pride Program in Miami hosted by Queens from RuPaul’s Drag Race where guests are welcomed to create a Pride themed cocktail. Each class, co-hosted by a Queen from RuPaul’s Drag Race and a licensed bartender, will guide guests step by step on how to make the featured cocktail. The colorful celebration is open to groups of up to 20 people and lasts approximately 15 minutes. Guests can also meet and greet with the Queens, engage with representatives from PFLAG, and may even be treated to surprise performances.

But it’s not just about the fun and games. Following Pride Month, Freehand Hotels will be making a donation to PFLAG National, an organization dedicated to advocating for the LGBTQ+ community across the United States. 

This partnership is a perfect example of how companies can use their platform to show support for marginalized communities and make a positive impact. So come raise a glass, learn something new, and celebrate love in all its forms.

About Chambord Liqueur

Chambord is a premium black raspberry liqueur produced in the Loire Valley of France. It is infused with 100% natural ingredients, which include black raspberries – the sweeter cousin of the red raspberry – blended with the complex flavors of black currant, Madagascan vanilla, Moroccan citrus peel, honey and XO Cognac. With Chambord’s commitment to quality, this velvety liqueur is a must-have amongst bartenders and cocktail lovers worldwide.

Chambord x Pride Cocktail classes at Freehand New York: 

June 2 to June 3 & 

June 23 & 24

Chambord x Pride Cocktail classes at Freehand Miami:

June 17 & 18