How To “Slam-Click” Like A Flight Attendant And Restore Some Balance In Your Life 

If you’re struggling, frustrated or feeling unsettled from doing too much, you probably need to restore balance in your life. Maybe becoming a slam-clicker can help you do just that. 

Being a flight attendant, I didn’t start out as a slam-clicker. I however became one over the years for obvious reasons. Slam-clicking is now an integral part of my life and it is one of the many ways I manage my stress and anxiety. Just in case you’re scratching your head wondering what that is…“Slam-clicking” is a term mostly used in the airline industry. It describes a crew member’s choice not to socialize with other crew members; including going out to eat and exploring on layovers together. Instead, some crew members prefer to ‘slam’ their room door shut, and ‘click’ the lock so they can be alone and free to do their own thing. Hence the hyphenated compound word “slam-click.”

I am very proud to say that I am now a regular slam-clicker, both at work and at home. I normally slam-click on a work layover to get some needed rest after a challenging day, or to spend time alone without having to follow a set agenda. I’d sometimes use this precious time to lounge by the pool, sometimes it’s to go for a long walk to clear my head or to think things through, and other times it’s to eat dinner and enjoy a glass of wine alone. It’s about doing exactly what I want, on my own time, at my own pace.

We each have our own way of dealing with situations that often leave us frustrated and feeling stressed out. Whether it’s taking a vacation, hanging out with friends to decompress, going to therapy, or venting to someone, finding ways to effectively take care of our emotional and mental well-being is paramount. So if you ever find yourself feeling frustrated, stressed and tired with your regular daily routine like family, work, hobbies or other obligations, a ‘slam-click’ day might be just the thing you need to regroup, recharge and reorganize your priorities.

How and why I slam-click 

Once a month I shut the door on everything that can be a stressor in my life to shift all my focus on myself. I take a full day off so I can practice a little self-care. If you’re like me and you have a young child (or young children), you can surely appreciate having a quiet day to yourself. Oh how heavenly that is! Some might view it as being selfish but I make no apologies because I too, like a child, have needs that must be met. I’d first book a sitter for the entire day and ask to be disturbed only in case of an emergency. Once alone (at home or in a hotel room), I always take a few deep breaths and then I let my mind settle. Whether it’s having a spa day, taking a beginner’s yoga class, reading a book, eating junk food, going to the movies, or catching a full 8 hours of sleep in the middle of the day, my day is mine to use however I see fit. And the best part is I always wake up the next day feeling light, rejuvenated, and ready to get things rolling again. 

Indeed, sometimes we have to hit the pause button, even for a short period of time. No matter how much we achieve or how thin we spread ourselves, there’s always gonna be something that needs our time and attention. As we continue to do all we can to keep the wheel turning for everyone around us, let’s not forget to keep it turning for ourselves too. And this goes for both men and women. Whenever you feel like you’re completely in over your head, set time aside for yourself to do a little pampering and cater to your own emotional needs. You’ll be glad you did. Personally I find compassion can go far beyond doing things only for those around us.

Remember, life is made of so much more than our daily routine which can be very stressful at times. For things to work properly we need balance. One of many great ways to create balance is to take control and pump the brakes every now and then to catch our breath. We always make time for things we deem important, and in the process we forget that we are important too. When we set time aside to take a break from our busy life, we’re not just reducing our stress, we’re also restoring balance in our life. 

What are some of the things you normally do to manage your stress? Your comments might end up helping others too 🙂

7 Responses

  1. This was such a pleasant read. Thank you for the reminder. One way I manage my stress is by spending time on a quiet beach. It feels like I’m alone in the world. It’s my escape from reality.

    1. Mcwallner says:

      Reading and listening to some inspirational music

      1. Yes! Both reading and music are also effective to help reduce stress 🙂

    2. You’re welcome! Yes the beach can be so calming. It’s also one of my favorite places to go when I want to declutter my head space 🙂

  2. Thank you Carli,
    Reading your blog is very refreshing. You bring a new spin to the idea of relaxation. « Slam click-it » is so much more relevant these days of high stress from work, listening to the news, Even our toxic relationships, if we choose to acknowledge that we are in one :-). Lets make the decision to Slam click ourselves away. Lets enjoy raising our glass while we Slam Click it.

    1. You’re welcome and thank you for your comment. I do enjoy raising my glass when I slam-click. A little self care goes a long way; even to the point of helping us see things different than what they are, including toxic relationships. Cheers to you 🙂

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