We Don’t Always Look Like What We’ve Been Through

Our true beauty lies within the depths of our character and the resilience we carry in our hearts.

“STILL STANDING… even after a car accident, 6 major surgeries, 2 rods, a bunch of screws, pins and scars…” These words aren’t mine. They belong to Anhayla, a singer, speaker, and self-love advocate whom I recently started to follow on Instagram. But what really inspired me to write this post is her follow-up sentence: “The TRUTH is we don’t all look like what we’ve been through…” 

This is by far the truest truth I’ve heard in a long time. I’ve never met Anhayla, but through her social media content I feel like I know her. I may not have felt the same kind of physical pain, or inherited visible scars like she has, but I see her, I hear her, and I feel her. When she speaks she doesn’t just share her thoughts, she inspires.

One thing I’m certain we can all agree on is that life has a way of throwing us curveballs and testing our resilience. We go through immense challenges or difficult times that without them, we wouldn’t be the individuals we are today. But you know what? The way we look doesn’t always reveal the depth of our experiences, be they physical or emotional.  We can never tell what someone has been through just by looking at them. Why? Simply because our outer appearance is just a small part of who we truly are, like the tip of the iceberg – there’s so much more beneath the surface.

Shaped by our experiences

There was a brief period in my life when I was a homeless single mother. Only a couple of people knew about it. All I can say is it was a humbling experience that forced me to confront the essence of who I truly was. The lessons I learned during that time shaped my character and made me aware of the strength and kindness that resided within me.

You see, people often judge based on appearances alone, but they have no idea the battles you’ve fought AND the growth you’ve achieved along the way. You endure hardships, face obstacles, and overcome adversity that others don’t immediately see when they look at you. And that’s perfectly okay! Just because you may not physically display the scars and wounds from your past doesn’t mean they haven’t left an indelible mark on who you are today. 

Life has a way of shaping us through various experiences, both positive and challenging. No matter your circumstances, remember that your outward appearance doesn’t always reflect the depth of your inner strength and resilience. And quite honestly it’s not a bad thing because the world doesn’t need to see you fall apart, nor does it need to see you put the pieces back together.   

Take pride and honor the journey

Life’s trials and tribulations can create strength and wisdom that shines from within. You might have faced storms, but you’ve also learned to weather them with grace and fortitude. This is something to be proud of. 

While you may not always look like what you’ve been through, it’s important to honor your journey. You can do that by acknowledging and embracing every soundless scream you have let out, every step you have taken, every challenge you have faced, and every lesson you have learned along the way. These are the things that have molded you into the person you are. They have also made you stronger, wiser, and more compassionate. 

As I see it, our true beauty lies within the depths of our character and the resilience we carry in our hearts. And I believe that is a more than enough reason to keep our indomitable spirit alive and keep standing strong! 

Your barefoot gal,
