During one of my work trips this week I ended up in Trinidad and Tobago for a cool but short 16-hour layover. I had the best time lounging and relaxing by the pool all afternoon. Later that evening my friend Lincois and I went to Trotters where we enjoyed some deeeelicious jerk pasta for dinner. The next morning the crew and I were driving back to the Piarco International Airport in Port of Spain when the idea to write this post came to me.

It was 6AM and already the city was fully awake. Sitting in the back of the crew van I couldn’t help but notice the cars driving on the busy road. A few of them were going very slow, some were following the speed limit, but the majority of cars was zooming passed our van in complete disregard of the posted speed limit. 

If we truly think about it, the way we choose to live our life is very similar to driving a car. Most of us do things at our own pace. We decide when to take action, what to do, where to go, how slow or how fast to go, etc… And when the road gets tough, we get to decide whether to stay on it, change course, or hit the brakes.  Sounds simple enough, yes? Unfortunately too many of us struggle with figuring out how to take charge of our life.

Time for new beginnings

Like holding the key to your car, you hold the key to your being. There’s only one you and you only have one life. That life is yours to live however way you want, so don’t be afraid to take charge of it. Having someone in your life is equivalent to having a passenger inside your car. You’re the driver, not them. Don’t let them map the road for you, even though they may think they know the best route for you. They will tell you where to go, how fast or how slow to go. They may even try to sit in your seat and take control; but it’s your life, so the final say belongs to you. What truly matters is what YOU want, When YOU want it, the direction YOU want to take, and how YOU want to get there.

Don’t you have enough of people always telling you who to be or what to do? Aren’t you tired of being a people pleaser? Who better than you knows how to make you happy? Don’t you want to finally be the person you were meant to be? You’ve compromised long enough. Your time is NOW! All you have is this moment, so live in it and live for yourself. You are worth having what you want. Stop worrying about what people might say or think. Take charge of your life and make no apologies. Stop being afraid and do what you feel and believe is best for you. It’s YOUR life, TAKE THE WHEEL!!!

“The best time for new beginnings is NOW.” -Unknown

4 Responses

  1. Amazing analogy. Appreciate you for sharing and for putting such emphasis and substance on a very important topic.

    1. I agree. It was nice to read this. A lot of it is true.

      1. I’m glad you enjoyed it 🙂

  2. Thank you Reginald! I thought it was an important topic to write about too 🙂