All over social media these days are posts and reels about “protecting my peace.” The concept itself sounds very inspiring but what exactly does it mean? After taking some time to reflect on what it actually means to “protect my peace”, I came to the realization that the only way to do that is to first make sure I have peace. Can’t protect something I don’t have, now can I?
How to create peace
When I think about the word peace, other words that come to mind are calmness, comfort, enjoyment, harmony, contentment, and positive vibes. Peace isn’t something we can just stumble upon, it is something we must bring about. One way to do that is by simplifying our life and creating an internal and external environment where we can feel free and protected from negativity and drama. To create peace we must first shed the things or the people that have a negative impact on our life. Once I understood that I was able to slowly build my peace by rethinking my life and figuring out what no longer served me and getting rid of it.
How to protect your peace
Let’s face it, we’ve all done things or said yes to things just because we didn’t want to be a disappointment to others. We’ve spread ourselves thin and made unnecessary sacrifices just because we didn’t want be viewed as uncaring or selfish. Behaviors like these can affect our emotional well being and create an environment where all we do is waste our energy on things that add no value to our life. Without peace we are bound to be miserable and even bitter. The good news is we can change all that by focusing on managing our thoughts and how we behave.
You can choose to put peace first by setting boundaries and making decisions you feel are right for yourself emotionally, physically and even spiritually. Protecting your peace is a personal journey that requires you to constantly focus on yourself and your purpose. It is expressed in not only what you say but also in the things you do. Here are some things you can do to protect your peace:
1) Say No
Saying NO when you feel it’s needed can be freeing and very powerful. It’s perfectly ok to say no sometimes.
2) Set Boundaries
Know what you will and will not do and make it clear to everyone. It’s important to stick to your boundaries if you want to protect your peace.
3) Speak Your Mind
Stand up for yourself. Speak up when you feel the boundaries you clearly set aren’t being respected.
4) Walk Away
If someone or a situation doesn’t feel right or is causing you unnecessary stress, it’s ok to walk away. Refusing to argue or avoiding confrontations doesn’t mean you’re a coward, it simply means you care enough about your peace of mind to protect it.
5) Follow Your Heart
You experience real peace when you trust yourself to know what’s best for you. Do more of the things your heart wants and less of the things people expect of you.
6) Let Go
Put peace first by letting go of toxic people and removing yourself from negative situations. Make it your mission to avoid people who drain your energy. Negativity should have no place in your world.
7) Accept What You Cannot Control
What good is it to worry about things you cannot change? It’s a lot easier to maintain your peace when you accept certain situations for what they are. It is fact that people can be frustrating, selfish and annoying. It’s also fact that you can’t force anyone to change. The only person you have power over is YOU. The sooner you accept that the more at peace you will be.
8) Spend Time With Yourself
Finding a quiet place to pray or meditate is a great way to keep that feeling of peace strong. Life can be overwhelming. Spending time alone gives you space to reflect, calm your mind, and refocus on what really matters to you.
9) Practice Gratitude
Gratitude brings inner peace and happiness. When you focus on the negative, you sabotage your inner peace. You can enhance your peace of mind by learning to focus on the positive things in your life.
10) Be Kind To Yourself And To Others
Kindness can protect your peace and has the potential to produce positive energy. It may not always be easy but try to be kind to yourself and to others. Nobody is perfect. Give yourself and others a break sometimes. Always remember you can transfer your positive energy to someone by simply smiling at them.
“Do not let the behavior of others destroy your peace.” — Dalai Lama
Peace always,
Carli 🇭🇹
One Response
My friend, your ideas are really sublime, oh my God! I like the way you develop your article as I read you it’s as if I feel at the same time a breath of oxygen. Usually I like to add a little of my touch to your ideas this time you said it all, Congratulations and respect my dear. May the spark of the Supreme consciousness that animates you give you the courage and the infatuation to continue on this good path.