5 Simple Ways To Relish The Small Things In Life (PART II)

We are so wrapped up in our daily lives that the majority of us can hardly recall the last time we took a moment to do something just because it was enjoyable. Goals such as getting promoted, making more money, buying a house, driving a nice car, wearing the latest fashion etc, we purposely work hard to achieve them. But we never intentionally take the time to notice the small things that actually make reaching those goals possible. 

In my recent post titled Relish The Small Things I talked about how the fabric of our life is made up of small things and how much of an impact they can have. For example, something as small and barely noticeable as a smooth commute is very important to us getting to work on time; but sadly we only become aware of how important having a smooth commute is when something bad happens that causes us to be late for an important event like a job interview or our own wedding. For some people, even something as banal as drinking a cup of coffee in the morning is important because it leaves them feeling good and gives them the boost they need to tackle their busy day. So you see, you may not always realize it but without the small things there’s a great chance the big things would not happen without a hitch. 

As someone who is always on the go, I have personally struggled with not taking the small things for granted. But when Covid-19 arrogantly showed up and took a massive dump on everyone’s life, I know I was not the only person who was forced to slow down and look at my life from new angles.  As devastating as the pandemic was and the financial setbacks it caused, it gave me the opportunity to appreciate life more and to realize how significant the small things are. Take disinfecting wipes and toilet paper for example, I bet no one thought that people panic-buying these items all around the country could be a real thing. It goes to show the littlest things we often take for granted can alter our life in a big way at any moment. 

Like many others I started to pay attention and to learn to relish the small things. Just in case you are wondering how, below are five easy ways (amongst so many) you too can start to acknowledge and enjoy the little things that nurture your daily life:

1) Celebrate Life 

We all have so many blessings in our life that it’s impossible to create a complete list. So what better way to celebrate life than to be grateful for simply being alive and well. When we have an appreciation for life we become more aware of how important the smallest things that sustain us are. Our level of happiness is also higher when we acknowledge and accept how blessed we are. We then begin to appreciate the things we so easily take for granted, like waking up in the morning, walking, talking, seeing, feeling, tasting, etc.

2) Appreciate What You Have

As eloquently stated by Oprah Winfrey: “Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.” So learn to appreciate what you have, whether it’s a lot or very little. A great place to start is your home. What do you see? Do you find you have all you need? Take a good look at everything inside and realize how fortunate you are to own even something as insipid as a toothbrush.  

3) Do Your Best To Stay Connected 

We tend to take for granted the people and the things that are constantly present in our life. This includes our family, children, partner, friends and even nature. It’s important to make an effort to call or get together with the people you care about. Also make time to go for a walk, feel the sun on your skin, gaze at the stars, and explore your surroundings. You can experience great pleasure when you connect and get on well with the people and the things that never cease to give you comfort when you need it.

4) Compliment Yourself 

If you’ve ever taken a moment to think about where you have been and where you are now, you need to show yourself some love. We aren’t perfect beings so whenever we accomplish something positive or good, whether big or small, it’s important to be thankful and recognize our efforts and hard work. So go ahead, pat yourself on the back and take your victory lap. Celebrate yourself!

5) Always Fall Asleep With Gratitude

I find the best way to end my day is to recall the good things that happened to me throughout that day. By good things I mean anything that gives me pleasure, like laughing with someone, playing with a child, eating a delicious lunch, drinking a warm chai latte, taking a shower or lying in a comfortable bed. Learning to appreciate the little joys gives us the tools we need to handle the tough times with grace and gratitude when they occur. Finishing the day with positive emotions can also help us sleep better. 

The bottom line is true happiness comes from the simple things. If you want to remain positive and happy no matter what’s going on in your life, learn to embrace the small things by allowing yourself to feel the pleasure they bring you.  

In the comments below please share one small thing you never noticed before that you’re now grateful for. 

Until next time,


4 Responses

  1. Great article! I loved reading it. Thank you.

    1. Thank you and you’re welcome.

  2. Thank you. I needed this reminder. By the way I love your writing.

    1. Glad I can help and
      Thank you 🙂