Ok! Thanksgiving is exactly one week away from today. While some of you will be traveling to be with family and friends, some will be hosting, and others will be spending it alone at home. As for me, I am Uber excited because this is the first time in a long line of thanksgivings that I actually have the day off. No, I will not be cooking. But I will be making sure that I am ready to stuff my face, my belly and my to-go containers with some tasty food at my friend Milca’s house.
I think most of you find this time of year to be very exciting for many reasons. Some of the main ones involve seeing people you haven’t seen in a while, gathering around with some fun and new company, eating well, laughing a lot and playing games. I am not quite sure what to expect, giving the fact that I haven’t been to a thanksgiving feast in the last four years. But if my memory serves me right, there are some darn right funny and not so funny behaviors I witnessed while attending past thanksgiving dinners. That is why I created a short list of do’s and don’ts to help make your thanksgiving stress-free and more fun.
Don’t bring up sad or negative thanksgiving stories from the past. This is a time to be merry. Don’t be a vibe killer!
Do bring something if you’re invited to someone’s house. Never go empty handed. Bring a dish, or a bottle of wine, or a small gift.
Don’t be late. It’s better to be early. There’s nothing worse than having everyone wait for your arrival while the food gets cold. Do not arrive after everyone is done eating either.
Do offer to help if you arrive early. The host will appreciate it. Thanksgiving day dinner is hard work.
Don’t overeat or overdrink. Piling up food on your plate is fun; but the heartburn, gas and indigestion you will get after eating it all aren’t.
Do eat smaller portions to give your body time to digest the food. You can always go back for seconds and thirds.
Don’t leave immediately after eating and filling up your to-go bowls (unless you have to). Thanksgiving isn’t just about eating. It’s also about spending time and reconnecting with people.
Do stay after dinner because that’s when the real fun begins. Telling jokes, taking pictures, laughing, and dancing are all part of the event.
Don’t make negative comments about the food. If you don’t like how a specific dish looks, don’t eat it. Be tactful and be grateful.
Do offer to help if the host starts cleaning up while you’re still there. It’s the least you can do.
But hey! Who am I to tell you how to behave around your own people? Enjoy yourself, be safe and have a great time with your family and friends. Happy Thanksgiving darlings!
Gobble Gobble,
Carli 🇭🇹