Make Quitting Your Biggest Power Move!

Every day, we grind away trying to make it in this hustle culture. It’s totally normal to feel like giving up means you’re weak. But here’s a little secret: sometimes quitting is the bravest thing you can do for yourself. I get it — it sounds scary! And if you’re a high achiever, letting go […]

Free Yourself from the People-Pleaser Trap

Hey, girl! I see you. I used to be you too. You know, the one who always puts others first, never says no, and sacrifices her own dreams and desires for the sake of others. Yeah, that was me. But not anymore. One day I decided enough was enough. I made a choice to start […]

Write Your Way to Happiness

In today’s fast-paced and digital-centric world, finding moments of self-reflection and introspection can be a challenge. That’s where journaling comes in. Journaling, the act of putting pen to paper and expressing our thoughts, emotions, and experiences, is more than just a hobby or a creative outlet. It is a powerful tool that can have a […]

A Sweet Story About a Little Angel’s Struggle for Greatness by Elaine Vanderberg 

Chloe: The Left-Behind Angel” is a heartwarming children’s book by the talented author Elaine Vanderberg. This captivating story empowers young readers to never give up and find their inner strength even when they feel different from others. As a passionate supporter of the arts and a grandmother of five, Vanderberg has poured her love for […]

Feeling Stuck? – How To Push Through When You Feel Like You’ve Hit A Wall

“If you’re going through hell, keep going.” -Winston Churchill I cannot tell you how many times this quote from Churchill has helped me get through some tough times. There are two reasons I’m using it for this topic today: 1) It’s one of my top favorites, and 2) it embodies everything I’m about to say […]

5 Simple Ways To Relish The Small Things In Life (PART II)

We are so wrapped up in our daily lives that the majority of us can hardly recall the last time we took a moment to do something just because it was enjoyable. Goals such as getting promoted, making more money, buying a house, driving a nice car, wearing the latest fashion etc, we purposely work […]